

Patrick at CMI 2
Patrick at CMI 2

Performance Solutions

PMG's organizational and development services are customized to each individual client based upon their needs and aspirations.  

Consulting services

Consulting ServicesPMG provides a wide array of professional and development services customized to each client's needs.

With our extensive background in the public, nonprofit, and private sectors, we assist organizations in the development of strategies and practical action plans for enhanced performance.

Consulting packages

PMG can offer “turnkey” packages. With this approach, we will handle all administrative services and logistical support. PMG can secure a development site and catering, communicate with participants, create necessary materials, and follow up with an evaluation report.

PMG provides the Performance Solutions listed below and more 

Contact us for customized services or more information. 

360° Feedback

Widely used in both the public and private sectors, 360° Feedback (also known as multi-rater feedback) continues to serve as the preferred method for assessing managerial and leadership effectiveness. By comparing one’s self-evaluation with the evaluation of supervisors, peers, direct reports and others, the participant can target areas of excellence as well as areas for development. Using the insight gained from 360° Feedback, leaders are better able to build on their strengths and become more willing to acknowledge areas of difficulty. They make more informed decisions about how and where to commit their energies to maximize their performance and the performance of those around them.

Advantages of 360° Feedback

  • Easy online access to evaluations
  • Fully customized surveys
  • Clear and useful bar charts providing feedback for every item
  • Complete transcripts of responses to open-ended questions
  • An executive summary with recommendations for action planning
  • Personalized attention throughout the process


Strategic planning is a process that helps organizations take a proactive approach for creating positive change. With a good strategic plan, organizations can better anticipate customer needs and target their human and financial resources in beneficial ways. Each strategic planning effort is custom-designed to meet the needs of a specific organization. We focus on designing and implementing planning processes that use your time efficiently, build understanding and buy-in, and produce a plan that is understandable and truly strategic.

Depending on your needs, the strategic planning process may include:

  • Development of a mission statement
  • Creation of an organizational vision to guide strategy development
  • Articulation of organizational values
  • Identification of critical customers and stakeholders, as well as their future needs
  • Analysis of current organizational strengths and areas for improvement
  • Identification of key opportunities for future success
  • Development of compelling action strategies
  • Identification of outcome measures to chart progress
  • Preparation of a change management plan to guide strategy implementation

Business process analysis

PMG facilitates process mapping to discover improvements leading to cost savings and efficiency. Mapping captures institutional knowledge, increases employee ownership, and promotes a culture of continuous improvement.

Every organization is a collection of processes. Optimally managing these processes is the key to both mission accomplishment and organizational success. Often set up as tasks and functionally based without attention to the customer needs and the organization’s core mission, processes build layers upon layers over time. The end result is a complex and disjointed array of related tasks. How often do we ask if the layers need to remain, many months or years later? Do the processes and the way that we conduct them optimally achieve the internal and customer-driven needs that our mission demands? As technology, systems, customer needs and functions change, so must our processes.

Process maps

Process mapping is a simple and powerful way to look beyond functional activity and rediscover core processes and optimal methods of delivery. Process maps help you to see redundancies, inefficiencies and wasted steps, allowing you to focus on the core activities and information that are at the heart of your business. Process maps are a visual and interactive way to begin the process of discovery and improvement, changing the way that things have always been done to the way they should be done.

Building teams

Teamwork is frequently the key to organizations that succeed and is almost always lacking in those that fail. Learn how to accelerate the team advantage by building and leading successful workplace teams. 

PMG team building provides the tools to: 

  • Assess how well your work teams are functioning and determine ways to turn around dysfunctional teams.
  • Apply characteristics of high-performing teams to improve work team performance. 
  • Identify which types of teams are operating in your organization and use appropriate tools to make each type more purpose driven and productive. 
  • Use four phases of team development to determine how to lead a work team.
  • Identify breakdowns in team performance and apply appropriate leadership strategies to overcome these in the workplace.

Performance measurement

“You can’t manage what you don’t measure.” Simple words that ring true upon thought. From report cards to shareholder statements, we are naturals at making decisions and assessing progress by looking at performance.

Properly conducted performance measurement is a management tool that will provide a guiding structure in alignment with your organization’s mission and strategic plan. The key to performance measurement is to measure the right things and keep it simple. Well-designed metrics will aid operational decision making on functions, resource allocation, strategies and corrective course actions. Dynamic in nature and simple in use, performance measurement can serve as the one tool that any leader needs most.

Customer and stakeholder engagement and focus groups

The most successful organizations place a high value on listening to their customers and stakeholders. Bringing customers and/or stakeholders together into focused discussion groups can help you understand their current and future needs — as well as satisfaction levels with current services provided — and give you an opportunity to solicit helpful feedback on potential programs or initiatives.

We have extensive experience in designing and implementing customer engagement processes that gather specific, targeted information and can help guide future organizational activities and procedures.

Cultural competency

Many organizations are faced with the complexities brought about by working in a diverse environment and serving increasingly diverse populations. Building a culturally competent workforce ensures that the benefits of this diversity outweigh the potential challenges that differences ultimately bring.

PMG can develop a process to identify the cultural dynamics unique to your agency, including:

  • Design coaching and tools that will assess the current status of organizational cultural competence.
  • Build on the strengths of your workforce to increase the level of competency.
  • Encourage cultural exploration.
  • Create a more inclusive environment and assist staff in developing strategies to function more effectively in a diverse workplace.

Facilitation services

Organizations operate within a constantly changing environment fueled by changes in customer needs, societal trends, technological advances, governmental demands, and the quest to improve. Effectively tapping the intellectual resources within your organization greatly increases your ability to be responsive to your customers. When the same old ideas and approaches are no longer relevant, we can help design and implement facilitated problem-solving sessions that are highly interactive, engaging, and productive.

Our experienced group facilitators will work with you to help identify who should be involved, how to best frame the issue(s) and what group decision-making process to use.

Quality management/ISO certification

The principles of ISO 9001 help an organization to better understand the processes it uses to deliver outcomes to external and internal customers. Using these principles, PMG can help your organization to optimize performance, manage progress, and plan for the future.

Any organization can benefit from focusing on the core management practices of ISO 9001: customer focus, leadership, involvement of people at all levels, process approach, systems approach to management, continual improvement, data-driven decision making, and mutually beneficial relationships. At its core, ISO 9001 seeks to ensure that processes meet customer needs efficiently and effectively through continual assessment and improvement. PMG can help to improve upon the structure supporting your organization's mission and goals.

Organizational assessment

An organizational assessment is one of the most useful and cost-effective methods to gain an accurate, objective, and confidential analysis of current strengths and areas for development. By utilizing individual or small-group interviews and surveys, a team or organization can identify barriers to growth as well as key strengths upon which to build. Data gained from an organizational assessment can be used as the basis for strategic planning, team building, training-needs analysis, and, ultimately, organizational change. 

Our assessments include:

  • Collaborative design and implementation
  • Options for using an established or customized survey
  • Detailed report that includes key themes found in the data, strengths and areas for development, and recommendations for change
  • Meeting to discuss the feedback report
  • Assistance with development and implementation of next steps

Conversation Facilitation

"If you can't say something nice, say nothing". A simple phrase that is helpful in some social situations but can be detrimental to our organization. When environments have negative elements, water cooler conversation and a lack of trust, people say less, they shut down and consequently effectiveness decreases. These are signs that help is needed. These are signs that a conversation is needed.

Impartial, facilitated conversation can be the key to unlocking concerns, discovering clear goals and solutions with accountability and planning to achieve them. Having defined plans that include successes can reshape and reinvigorate the environment. Well designed, thoughtful conversation in an environment that builds trust and confidence in colleagues and the organization can shift a group to a more productive path. We meet with sponsors and key players to gather information and then move to discussions with the group. With clear guidelines and an atmosphere of respect and commitment, change is possible. 
Time and people are the most valuable assets of an organization. And how those people spend their time is your focus. The questions usually is, "How do we get the most out of people in the time allotted?" In most organizations, staff members spend a great deal of this precious resource in meetings. Higher ranking team members can use more than 50% of theirs in them. Many of those end without clear results or action items and require another meeting. Some go off course and provide an arena for staff dysfunction. Since people, and their time, is one of the highest costs for any organization, why not use it more effectively? Why not hire someone to make the process easier by providing objectivity, structure and guidance? Why not hire a facilitator? 
PMG has experienced facilitators who are skilled in helping groups uncover common objectives and plan to achieve them. We can help groups draw out issues, address dysfunctions and establish guidelines. We can help groups reach consensus on tough topics and craft action plans. PMG can be the one person invested in overall success for the organization who isn't involved in the daily operations which can cloud our perspective.

Executive coaching

PMG offers personalized coaching for individuals and teams working to achieve greater effectiveness. Coaching can be an invaluable aid in enhancing effectiveness when there are core strengths that need to be maximized and, in some cases, barriers to excellence that need to be removed.

Our coaching approach is a simple, three-phase process that will help you learn when coaching can make the difference with individuals and organizations.

Read more about: Executive Coaching

Custom Development programs

A crucial factor in an organization achieving its goals is whether staff members possess the critical skills required to achieve those goals. PMG can design and deliver professional development for staff at all levels in an organization. Our years of experience allow us to tailor any of our institutes — executive, management, and supervisory — or create new professional development events that meet the unique needs of your agency.

Combining our strong development background and technical expertise, PMG can customize your education into self-paced in-person or online courses that save your employees time and save your organization travel costs. We can perform a wide array of services that range from converting existing development course into online courses to creating rich multimedia development plans involving a variety of delivery medium. 

Read more about: Custom Development Programs

Contact Us for Customized Services

For more information or to customize your own solution, contact us